Friday, June 28, 2013

Rare Large Navajo Pictorial Weaving Circa 1930's "Mother Earth, Father Sky" at Saks Galleries in Denver, Colorado

Navajo sandpaintings were created by the chanters, Medicine Men, to use in healing ceremonies and in requesting help from the gods for a bountiful harvest. The Navajo people, the Diné, believed it was taboo to create holy images in a permanent form, thus the earliest religious depictions were sandpaintings. But in about 1917, Hosteen Klah, began weaving important spiritual images into rugs and opened the door for other weavers to follow. 

Klah's first sandpainting weaving was from the Nightway ceremony.  The current textile is a recreation of elements of the Nightway Chant, a 9 day ceremony. It depicts Mother Earth and Father Sky with arms crossed in the center. Mother Earth and Father Sky were the first creations of the Great Spirit. Their crossed hands signify the union of heaven and earth. Mother Earth has a brown circle in the center of the her belly to represent the opening where the Diné originally entered into this world. The sacred four plants are growing from this emergence hole; corn, gray bean, yellow squash, and tobacco. These sacred colors, white, blue, yellow and black also indicate the four boundaries of the traditional Navajo nation.  

Both Mother Earth and Father Sky have a white and yellow line across their face. The white line above the brow symbolizes the dawning of the day and the yellow line across the chin, twilight. The crossing zig zag shapes across the chest of Father Sky are symbolic of the Milky Way. He also has two constellations on his hips. When Seven Sisters was visable in the night sky it was safe to perform the Nightway Ceremony.  The constellation was also used as a clock for planting. Within Father Sky are the gray face of the sun and white face of the moon. Each has a set of horns indicating spiritual strength. Their faces are banded with white dawn, black darkness, gray mists and yellow twilight. 

Above Mother Earth is a bat, the sacred messenger of the spirit of the night. It guards the painting at the opening of its border. Bats are an important guardian, symbolizing rebirth, as they live in womb-like caves emerging every evening reborn. Bats are also a symbol of communication to the Native Americans because they are highly social creatures. They have strong family ties, exhibit nurturing behavior, verbal communication and sensitivity to members of their group. Often the spirit of the bat was invoked when a special energy was needed. Also represented in this complex weaving are symbols for the Four Directions, fertility and swiftness

Messenger Bat
Mother Earth, Father Sky is in excellent condition and measures 66" x 74". Large size pictorial textiles  are quite rare and the imagery in this weaving is as powerful as we have seen.  

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this or any works available at Saks Galleries.

Celebrating Our 50th Anniversary of Living Artfully
3019 East 2nd Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80206
Always Available by Special Appointment

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New Works by Michael Godfrey July Artist of the Month Saks Galleries Cherry Creek Denver

new works arriving at

Denver Colorado

Michael Godfrey "Green Wave" 8 x 8 Oil
Michael Godfrey "Loch Vale Summer" 11 x 14 Oil
Michael Godfrey "Quiet Evening" 8 x 8 Oil

Michael Godfrey
New Works Exhibition and DemonstrationsMeet the Artist
July 19 and July 20
1:pm - 4:pm

Saks Galleries Cherry Creek

Celebrating 50 Years of Living Artfully

3019 East 2nd Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80206

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Kim English Paintings Just Arrived at Saks Galleries Cherry Creek Denver Colorado

National Recognized Oil Painter

 just released paintings now available at

Oldest Fine Art Gallery in Colorado

Kim English "Sharing" 11 x 14 Oil

October 12, 2013
10:300am - 4:00pm

Complimentary Limited Seating Transportation 
Seasonal Catered Lunch Served

Kim English "Day's End" 24 x 30 Oil

Meet the Artist
Enjoy Lunch
Paint-Out with Kim and His Artist Friends
Have Fun Exploring Kim English's Studio
Purchase Paintings

Kim English "Night Ride" 10 x 20 Oil

Saks Galleries Cherry Creek

Celebrating 50 Years of Living Artfully

3019 East 2nd Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80206

Friday, June 14, 2013

Artists of the Month Demonstrations All Day Saturday June 15, 2013 at Saks Galleries - Complimentary Parking

Meet Our Artists
All Day Demonstrations
Saturday, June 15, 2013
10:30am - 4:00pm

Join Us For
Morning Coffee and Afternoon Refreshments

Complimentary Parking at
Cherry Creek Square Parking Lot
Between 2nd and 3rd on St. Paul 

                                                                                                          Pati Stajcar   
Stajcar "Totem" Bronze

              Clive R. Tyler
Tyler "Aspens Abound" Pastel

Saks Galleries Cherry Creek

Celebrating 50 Years of Living Artfully

3019 East 2nd Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80206

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Clive R. Tyler at Saks Galleries Cherry Creek This Friday and Saturday Demonstrations and Receptions Both Days

Clive R. Tyler "A Summer's Dream" 24 x 36 Pastel

Clive R. Tyler is one of American top 100 pastel artists.  Meet Clive this June for demonstrations painting in pastels, "Aspens" and "Animals." Learn for one of the best - great conversation, full demonstrations and afternoon receptions.

Clive R. Tyler "Glory" 9 x 12 pastel
Join Us This Weekend

Demonstrations and Afternoon Receptions

Friday, June 14, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013

1:00 - 4:00pm each day


Meet the Sculptor 
Pati Stajcar "Spring Board" 7 x 21 x 8 Bronze Edition of 18
Join Us Saturday Morning for Coffee and Demonstrations
Saturday, June 15, 2013 10:30am - 1:00pm

Saks Galleries Cherry Creek

Celebrating 50 Years of Living Artfully

3019 East 2nd Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80206

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Helen Cordero

Cochiti (1915 - 1994)

Helen Cordero was the first potter to make a "storyteller" figure.  She began in 1964 and the first pieces were inspired by memories of her grandfather who had been a children's storyteller at the Cochiti Pueblo.  In a sense the pieces were also self-portraits because Helen would have been one of the children.  Early on she was encouraged and supported by an astute folk art collector who understood the historical significance of her work. Today, any important collection of Pueblo Pottery would have to include a Cordero storyteller.

The present piece came to us from a local estate.  Cochiti legend has it that Mother Turtle will come and rescue the children in times of trouble.  This figure is unusual in that the Mother Turtle has her head turned backwards towards the children.             $7,500

Please contact Saks Galleries for more information 303-333-4144

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Artists of the Month Series Continues at Saks Galleries Cherry Creek. Announcing June Demonstrations and Receptions in Denver.


Artists of the Month

June 2013

Join us June 14th and 15th 
Demonstrations and Receptions

Meet the Artists


Stajcar "Rascal" 6 x 4 x 4 Bronze Edition of 18

Pati Stajcar is an accomplished sculptor working in wood, marble, shale and bronze.  Meet the artist and learn from her sculpting techniques.

Demonstration and Morning Coffee

Saturday, June 15, 2013

10:30am - 1:pm


Clive R. Tyler

Tyler "Oaks in June" 8.5 x 11 Pastel

Clive R. Tyler is one of American top 100 pastel artists.  Meet Clive this June for demonstrations painting in pastels, "Aspens" and "Animals." Learn for one of the best - great conversation, full demonstrations and afternoon receptions.

Demonstration and Afternoon Receptions

Friday, June 14, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013

1:00 - 4:00pm each day

Saks Galleries Cherry Creek

Celebrating 50 Years of Living Artfully

3019 East 2nd Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80206

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