flight of the imagination
MAR 9 TO 312012
gala opening reception Mar 9 5 - 9p
all works are available prior to opening
all paintings may be viewed on line at SaksGalleries.com
enjoy an exclusive video interview online at SaksGalleries.com
Please enjoy this four part exclusive interview with artist Andrea T Kemp written for Saks Galleries Cherry Creek by noted author Rosemary Carstens. Andrea will discuss, where ideas come from, style and color, process and other thoughts.
Q: I understand you teach workshops. Where are you currently teaching and what advice would you give to someone striving to be an artist today?
A: I’m currently teaching at Denver’s Art Students League—my top choice when I moved to Denver. As a teacher, I try not to force my own style on my students. I emphasize the fundamentals of art that I feel are so often lost in art classes today.
I would tell anyone trying to become a professional artist to keep an open mind, draw as much as you can, and try to choose your teachers wisely. Try to paint and draw every day. Get out to museums and galleries to see as much high-quality art as you can. It’s wonderful to be an artist, but it takes a ton of work!
Q: Tell me something surprising about yourself that your collectors might not know.
A: If I hadn’t become an artist I’d probably have become a comedian. My husband and I joke about becoming standup comedians at some point in our lives. I also have a quirky interest in ghost hunting and love to visit historic sites rumored to be haunted.
Q: When you aren’t painting, what other activities do you enjoy?
A: I love music, sculpture, all sorts of cultural events and I also enjoy being outdoors biking, hiking, or going for a run. I usually take a quick jog with the dogs every day.
image: Flickering Light 16 x 12 oil on board
Saks Galleries Cherry Creek
Rosemary Carstens writes for several national arts magazines and publishes an award-winning online magazine, FEAST, about books, art, food, film, and travel. She is the author of two books with a third presently being researched. For more information: http://www.CarstensCommunications.com and http://www.FEASTofBooks.com.