flight of the imagination
MAR 9 TO 312012
gala opening reception Mar 9 5 - 9
all works are available prior to opening
all paintings may be viewed on line at SaksGalleries.com
enjoy an exclusive video interview online at Saks Galleries.com
Please enjoy this four part exclusive interview with artist Andrea T Kemp written for Saks Galleries Cherry Creek by noted author Rosemary Carstens. Andrea will discuss, where ideas come from, style and color, process and other thoughts.
Q: I once heard an eminent watercolorist say that there is no such thing as “style”—paintings consist of thousands of personal choices and decisions made by an artist and it is the result of all those that is referred to as style. Your paintings have a quiet beauty and grace to them regardless of subject matter. How would you define your work?
A: Although I enjoy hearing people’s different takes on my art, I am trying not to be branded, known for only one type of subject matter or style. Rather than be called a “figurative artist,” a “still life painter,” or a “classical realist,” I would like to simply become known for my ability to render a wide variety of subjects well, to experiment and surprise my audience, yet have the finished works recognizable as my own—the result of a myriad of considered decisions about technique, color, and craftsmanship.
Q: What about color? Do you have a preferred palette?
A: I use primary colors as my base: cadmium yellow, cadmium red light, ultramarine blue, and titanium white. As supporting colors, I prefer warm and cool versions of each primary color: cadmium red medium, alizarin crimson, transparent red oxide, van dyke brown, sap green, cerulean blue, cobalt blue, and ivory black.
The colors I use will vary from painting to painting, and usually my inspiration for a piece dictates the color harmony. But my palette stays pretty much the same, with only occasional tweaks or changes, which lets me easily manipulate it to do exactly what I want.
image: Desert Landscape 16 x 12 oil on board
Rosemary Carstens writes for several national arts magazines and publishes an award-winning online magazine, FEAST, about books, art, food, film, and travel. She is the author of two books with a third presently being researched. For more information: http://www.CarstensCommunications.com and http://www.FEASTofBooks.com.