Here is an artist who is very serious indeed, one who believes that ART, his own certainly, should prod, should point out, should arouse thoughts, should make the viewer cogitate. Even if unwillingly. the works must definitely not be merely decorative, merely pleasing, merely a background for an owner, nor something that can be passed by with a 'How Nice!', 'How charming!', 'How well it fits!', 'What color, what pattern!' No. He is concerned with the state of our world.

"Repetitiousness is not for him. His subject matter is varied, influenced by what is happening in the world around us daily. Therefore, some are frightening, grim, sad, as in much Renaissance tempera painting where we are given martyrdoms, crucifixions, hellfires.
Michael says, "My last major series was the "Shunga Series." I realized while working on that sequence how important it is to build on a vision and to refine a direction. With my current works I see a similar thread that ties them all together. While the Shunga Series dealt with juxtaposing erotic Japanese prints with mostly the portrait studies of an Asian/Caucasian model I've moved past both of those references. I continue to deal with the figure, erotic elements, and patterning but now most of the reference material comes from India and the Middle East."
Join us at Saks Galleries for an exceptional look at five major egg tempera painters. The exhibition can be viewed at Saks Galleries in Denver's exclusive shopping district Cherry Creek North through April 16th.
The reception and salon will be hosted by the gallery. Master Egg Tempera painters, Olga and Aleksey Ivanov, will present,"Egg Tempera, History and Technique" as well as a demonstration - April 2, 2011 at 1:00pm. Please join us for this extraordinary exhibition.
First image: Bergt, "Coalescence" 16 x 20 egg tempera
Second Image: Bergt, "The Arch" 6 x 9 egg tempera gold leaf panel
text on this blog should be credited to Michael Bergt's website