“Jill’s love of abstract patterns and contrasting shapes in subject matter from buildings to organic subjects makes her work unique. Her skillful impasto paint application reveals rich, beautiful marbling of colors and provides important textural impact.” - Jake Gaedtke
The Interview
Q: Your architectural scenes in particular have an authoritative sensibility to them. These are bold statements enhanced by their strong textural qualities. Could you talk about your process and how you achieve that?
A: I’m always on the lookout for unconventional materials I can use to apply paint that will result in unusual surface effects. For example, although I use the regular array of artists’ brushes, I also will load paint on hardware-store trowels in various widths and coarser house-painting brushes, lavishing broad swathes onto the canvas or board.
Q: Do you paint alla prima or is there a lot of work that goes on before you put brush to canvas for a new painting?
A: My preparation process is intensive. I take a long time to go through my stash of images and reference materials, sorting out the strongest. Then I narrow those down even further and print out the ones I like best. I might sketch up my idea from there or even use Photoshop to work through possible compositions. I want to get the structure of the piece really clear in my mind, to work out the nuts and bolts of color and design before I begin to paint. If I have the basics all mapped out, it’s easier to depart from them in more expressive ways. I’ll often then begin by sketching a line drawing onto the canvas or brushing on a thin oil wash in complimentary colors. I work the whole canvas from one end to the other, beginning on the right side since I’m left handed.
for more information on Jill Soukup use this quick link to Saks Galleries.
Saks Galleries Cherry Creek 3019 East Second Avenue Denver, Colorado 80206
All art is available prior to the opening night gala.
Rosemary Carstens writes for several national arts magazines and publishes an award-winning online magazine, FEAST, about books, art, food, film, and travel. She is the author of two books with a third presently being researched. For more information: http://www.CarstensCommunications.com and http://www.FEASTofBooks.com.